

Axelsberg is a hybrid building containing housing as well as office and commercial space, located in Konepaja area next to the recently completed Fredriksberg quarter

Konepaja is an unpolished area that in recent years, after the end of its industrial use, has become a vibrant neighbourhood of living, working, culture and entertainment. The long and narrow building will frame Konepaja´scentral square towards northeast, forming a background for the old, reused industrial buildingsaround the square.

The building consists of a three-story pedestal, appearing as a red brick colonnade-like structure referencing the scale of the neighbouring industrial buildings, with four five-story white washed housing units containing 141 altogether apartments on top. A public passage is introduced through the middle of the base, providing a pedestrian connection from Teollisuuskatu while closing the square off its heavy traffic. Green planted courtyards are placed between the housing units on top of the pedestal building, restaurants on ground level will enliven the square.

Images: WalkTheRoom

LocationKonepaja, Helsinki
Scope23 700 m²
ClientNCC Property Development Oy