Renovation in the historic centre of Helsinki
Renovation and extension of the oldest luxury hotel in central Helsinki. The project comprises of two sr-1 and sr-3 listed buildings, and is planned in close cooperation with municipal authorities and Helsinki City Museum (Helsingin kaupunginmuseo).
Hotel Kämp was founded originally in 1887. After extensive demolition, recontruction, extension and decades of serving as an office building it is going through a complete renovation for the first time since reopening as a hotel in 1999. Helander house is joined together with hotel Kämp by renovating the former office spaces to luxury hotel suites.
Hobo hotel, Aleksanterinkatu 40-42 (18 850 brm²):
Renovation of an existing hotel to a new concept hotel Hobo. Spaces are located in a former office building dating from 1960’ and a sr-1 listed commercial building from 1892. All spaces and technical installations are renewed to create a colorful and playful place. The hotel is the second Hobo after a successful start with Hobo Stockholm.
Hotel Kämp (28 000 brm²)
and Helander House (3 000 brm²)
Location | Helsinki |
Year | 2024-2025 |
Size | 49 850 brm² |
Client | Kämp Kiinteistöt Oy, Mutual Pension Insurance Company Ilmarinen |